When i gave him a silly look, he'll laugh, that's the moment that brought us together

♥, I'm a Valentine's baby.

In a relationship


Can someone please please please help me? :(

I wanna buy charles and keith bag , and heard this
Person A - don't buy, not durable
Person B - I have one leather one that last for 5 years, without taking good care then the leather start to peel
Person C - My friend use a week strap broken

How How How !

Should i effing get 2 sundress ? Since its so hard for me to get one already.
I've decided, no GA (most expensive armani) , no espirit ( 20 bucks for a slipper)
I'm getting topshop one, plain black, since i've one more voucher to use.

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Baby, dance with me :>

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